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Client Attraction Intensive Full Day Workshop

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Register Now!!  Seating is Limited to 50!


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Attend this Day Long Workshop

And Stop Struggling to find Clients!!

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If you are a motivated talented entrepreneur who loves what you do, but wants an easier, more reliable way to generate a constant stream of new clients, then this is for you. No more cold calling, feeling pushy, struggling with feast or famine periods, or struggling to find clients anymore. What you need is a simple, fail-proof and reliable constant client system for your business, that will find clients easily, effectively and even automatically.

If you are ready to stop struggling and start enjoying the amazing freedom that comes from having plenty of ideal clients clamoring to work with you, join Jason Jones, a leading authority on helping solopreneurs create six figures, get the powerful Constant Client Formula, and see how you can apply it easily and immediately to start building your client rich, profitable business right away, (yes, even in this economy).

During this action-packed day you will learn:

  • The 5 major mistakes that stop entrepreneurs from finding clients
  • My simple 3 step process for generating a lifetime of clients
  • The best methods of attracting clients that are working, right now
  • How to take “mildly interested” to “wildly enthusiastic”
  • Closing clients sweetly and easily
  • How to tailor-make your own unique client generation system


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Happy Coaching Hour Clients!

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“All of my experiences leading up to hiring Jason and joining his Top 6 Mastermind Business Coaching Program were very professional. I could tell by his website, follow up, marketing tools, and by the mutual connections that we had, that I could trust Jason and that he had something to offer me. In the first Mastermind meeting, he provided the exact feedback and coaching that I needed on a topic that I had been struggling with in my business. In the first two weeks of working with him and, as a direct result of working with him, I had more qualified leads than in the previous two YEARS. His coaching is very spot on and I definitely recommend him and his programs!”
Right Now Enterprises

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“Jason Jones IS the Coaches Coach. Jason can help you grow far beyond where you are today. This is your business. This is your life. You have one shot to make it the BEST it can be and with Jason’s expert guidance and coaching you will grow far beyond where you are currently. The Coaching Hour isn’t some inspirational, pie in the sky message. It’s a real world, hold your feet to the fire, get it done process. I’m very thankful to have studied under Jason’s expert tutelage and know that you will benefit greatly from having the experience of being coached by one of the best.”   Mitch Taylor Sales Maestro  Sales is Solutions

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“Life changing and business accelerating is how I would describe my first coaching session with Jason. I have worked with other coaches who have helped me to discover roadblocks to success, but Jason actually helped me to overcome those roadblocks to make immediate change. He has a gift that allowed him to hone on a limiting belief that I had, develop an actionable step to take to overcome it and then HE HELD ME ACCOUNTABLE to what my desired outcome was. When I met the outcome to my level of satisfaction, he challenged me to move even further beyond and that was the point where my beliefs and attitudes changed and opportunities began to be recognized. Jason is brilliant at what he does. If you know you have great potential and for some reason are not capturing that potential YOU MUST MEET JASON.”   Lori Henning  2 Smart Women

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Client Attraction Secrets Intensive Full Day Workshop

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