Some lucky entrepreneurs easily choose a tight niche, while others find themselves reluctant to niche. However, when people do commit to a niche the stress is usually over often letting go of a previous idea or ambition can be painful. But remember why you  are choosing a niche, when the money starts flowing, the pain of releasing distracting areas subsides fast.

Declaring your niche is a process. The process can take time. So be kind to yourself if you are struggling. The best way to hurry the process is to start talking about your “Most-Likely-But-Still-Temporary” niche and trying to sell it. Customer feedback and response (or lack of it) is a great sharpner of niches and will help you evolve yours.

10 Questions to Help You Find Your Niche

  1. What type of clients have I loved working with most in the past?
  2. What types of clients naturally gravitate to me?
  3. What do I love doing most?
  4. When am I happiest?
  5. How do I want to spend my days in this business?
  6. Which of my options has the strongest buy triggers?
  7. Which of my niche options makes the most business sense?
  8. Which of my niche options is likely to be easiest?
  9. Are others having success with my proposed niche? (This is a good sign; the niche works!)
  10. Would I rather niche and be profitable quickly or keep my options open?