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Face group Groups are popping up everywhere and savvy business people are leveraging this natural gathering site to grow their customer base and become known.  It’s one thing to become known in a community and another entirely to create a community and invite others to join you.  Leading your own community allows you to interact with your prospective customers, get feedback, float ideas and sell your latest offering.  It’s a channel to deliver value in your niche that builds your credibility.   Just imagine having a community to release your latest workshop, book or product to and make immediate sales.  
This success doesn’t happen by the virtue of creating a group on Facebook and posting in it.  You have to engage your audience in ways that are valuable to them and interest them.  Maria Lynn Johnson is a #1 bestselling author and speaker who runs a vibrant group and actively engages her participants.  She will give you the tools to create your own Facebook group and engage in a way that grows a community.  A community that shares your passion and values and will come to appreciate and buy your expertise.  
Learn:  The 2 biggest mistakes people make when starting a group
             How to attract new members
             How to engage members 
              How to keep the conversation going 
              How often to make to offers
              Effective ways to keep people checking in and contributing
When: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Tuesday July 25, 2017
Where:  Online: Register to receive Zoom link and reminders

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Expert Guest:  Maria Lynn Johnson

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Maria Lynn Johnson is a #1 bestselling author and speaker. She gets rave reviews by teaching professionals to speak with purpose and presence so they can inspire and move their audience to action, both online and in-person. For over 20 years Maria has presented, trained, and coached thousands of global leaders to higher performance in Fortune 500 corporations. She outgrew her corporate role and founded her current business in 2012, using her business and presentation expertise to help others become polished presenters. She is a certified coach, a professional singer, has a master’s degree in Human Resources Development and degrees in voice and psychology. She lives in Minneapolis with her son Parker, and daughter Hailey. 

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