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The Coaching Hour minute is a weekly video series that provides insights and perspectives on being effective in business. Hosted by Certified Coach Jason Jones.

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Are you tired of feeling upset every time something changes? New initiative at work, reorganization, ambiguous leadership.

Since we cannot change our circumstances how can anyone expect us not get upset.  Maybe it’s not the circumstances that are actually causing our upset.  What actually upsets us is next in our Coaching Hour minute 

When we look at why we get upset about a change in our work or life we begin to see that the upset is less about the merits of the actual change and more about our brains desire to keep things consistent and predictable.  In essence we become attached to things staying the way they are and when they change we are upset because its not how its always been. If this is your experience then you know you are a human being because this is innate in all of us.  So how can we stop being driven by this auto response and get comfortable with change.  One possibility is to stop trying to control circumstances and connect to what you are committed to.   For example if Im speaking to an audience and group of attendees talk during the presentation it clearly distracts me the rest of the audience.   The natural tendency is to get upset that this speaking engagement is not going the way it’s supposed to go.  My expectations compared to how it’s actually going.  This upset will affect my performance, distract me from my presentation and even put more attention on the disruption as I pretend its not there and work to hide my upset.  If instead I come from my commitment which is for people to see what is possible for themselves with a clear path of action to realize that possibility I react to the circumstances differently.  I might stop and ask for the rooms attention before I continue or I might walk to the table stand by them while I speak drawing the rooms attention to them so they will put their focus back on the presentation.  What is important is that there is no upset, just new actions toward fulfilling on my commitment.

There is a lot of power in coming from your commitment.  If you want to discover what you are committed to just follow the link in this post and sign up for a free worksheet.  I’m Jason Jones with this coaching hour minute.   
